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Miscellaneous Lots

100DC Day 64: Military
Build . Sim Military Barracks These military barracks are surrounded by fencing for security and control of access. After all, this is...

80's Themed Laundromat
An 80s themed laundromat ready for customers with it's bright and cheery interior. Laundromat also has several vending machines to keep...

100DC Day 60: Hippie/Boho
Build (Hippie Paradise) . Sims . Build (Bright Roller Rink) Hippie Paradise This Hippie Paradise has everything your back-to-the-land...

100DC Day 46: Asylum/Crazy/Insane Sim
Build . Sims Asylum for the Erratic The Asylum for the Erratic (formerly the Insane) was built in 1952 and has since improved its...

100DC Day 36: Planet/Space
Build . Room . Sim Hovering Spaceship A hovering spaceship has been discovered in the desert. It appears to have been abandoned...

100DC Day 16: God/Goddess
Build . Sim Temple to Yemaya This temple is dedicated to the orisha Yemaya, goddess of oceans and rivers and Mother of Us All from the...

100DC Day 1: Graveyard/Zombie
Build . Sim Cemetary/Caretaker This run down cemetery still needs a caretaker, though the place may need a good cleaning first. Tier 3...

Plumbob Theater
The brand new Plumbob Theater is here! Watch movies with your friends and family while enjoying one of the many refreshments available....

Meditation Hall
This meditation hall is a great place to hone your meditative skills as well as practice some centering yoga. Pray at the altar or walk...

Freezer Bunny Boardwalk
Come down to the boardwalk, where the sun is warm and the refreshments are cool! This lot can be used in multiple ways as it includes a...

Sulani Conservation Dorms
When you intern at the Sulani Conservation organization, you will also be provided with room and board. It's a cozy shared space but you...

Doggo Heaven
This little slice of dog heaven has FIVE fire hydrants on which to "spread the news" in this bountiful garden with endless plants and...

The Jungle Taj
Travelling to Selvadorado for the first time? If you're excited to experience a culture different from your own, but are also a little...

Mini Public Utilities
This mini public utilities building has a small office work space with bathroom (including decontamination shower... for reasons.) Lot...

BNS 152: Home Sweet Office
Build . Room . Sim Office/Loft Combo This office/loft combo is perfect for the professional sim(s) who is busy taking care of...

BNS 139: Remote Education
Build . Room . Sim Selvadorada International School In the remote jungles of Selvadorada there are few opportunities for children to...
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