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  • Writer's pictureKitty Katt

2020 Advent Calendar

Original shell by WyldHawke

Advent Manor is 25 rooms, decorated each day between December 1st and 25th. With 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, mansion is additionally furnished with a spa room, maker space, recreation room, play room, entertaining room, gazebo, natural pond swimming pool, gardening space, hot tub, and basketball court.

Inside, first floor: foyer, dining, kitchen, laundry, pantry, maker space, showers, spa room, bathroom, recreation room, living room, entertaining room

Inside, second floor: master bedroom, guest bedroom, three children's' rooms, bathrooms, bubbly room, and play room.

Outside: front yard, back yard with play equipment, natural pond swimming pool, gazebo, gardening area

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