(Shell by Takissis)
This large family home is currently set up for 2-4 adults, an infant, toddler, child, and teen. With so many children around there is plenty of places to play, including the second story playroom and the equipment in the backyard. There is also a pool and backyard bar. To offset some energy costs, solar panels have been added to the roof.
First Floor: Living room, Hallway, Dining room, and Kitchen (Laundry room not pictured)
First floor: Nursery, Master bedroom w/ attached bath, second adult or teen bedroom w/ attached bath, office
Second floor: Playroom, Toddler room, child's room, teen's room (all w/ attached bathrooms)
Back and side yards: garden, swing set, raised bar patio, pool, play structure, BBQ & table, and basketball play area.